Tommaso Serratore 

Tommaso Serratore (Udine 1988) trained at Opus Ballet in Florence attending LOFT, a specialised contemporary dance training course, and joined Officina Pontormo, a project curated by Virgilio Sieni dedicated to dance and experimentation of contemporary art languages.

He collaborates as a dancer with choreographers Daniela Paci, Virgilio Sieni, Francesca Cola, Antonello Tudisco, Roberto Castello, Stefano Mazzotta and Emanuele Sciannamea. He follows the choreographer Virgilio Sieni as an assistant, in the production De Anima, in the first edition of the Festival Stanze Segrete, in the activities of the Accademia sull’Arte del Gesto, in the project Altissima Povertà and Ballo 1945, and Zerogrammi, in the production Alcesti and the activities related to the Casa LUFT space.

Since 2012, he has dedicated himself to developing his own artistic research, focusing on the coexistence of different performance practices and techniques. Hosted in various national and international artistic residencies, he presents his creations Tavor, Welcome, La Quarta Potenza di Mille, Ciclo Economico, L’esatto Colore del Dubbio, La Leggerezza del Divenire, Passenger_il Coraggio di Stare (creation winner of the call for proposals “Residenze coreografiche Lavanderia a Vapore 3. 0/Piemonte dal Vivo”, “Festival Oriente Occidente” and “I Visionari”), Mr Furry, Domino (creation winner of the “Abitante” call for entries) in various Italian and international festivals.

He is currently an artist associated with the Versiliadanza company of Florence and produced by Perypezye Urbane of Milan.

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