Giovanni Sabelli Fioretti

In recent years I have been developing my freelance career as a dramaturge and choreograph in the independent contemporary dance scene in Berlin, Germany and Italy.

I studied dance in New York, Bruxelles and Milan within, respectively, Movement Research, Laster Studio and Paolo Grassi dance academy. I recognise my dance and embodied practice particularly connected to the work of Jeremy Nelson, Luis Lara Malvacias, Juliette Mapp, Vicky Shick, Trisha Brown, Khosro Adibi, with whom I had the pleaser to study and work with.

I also studied Philosophy (Master Degree) at the University of Siena where I studied in particular with the feminist philosopher Maria Luisa Boccia and Philosophical Consultancy (“advanced” Master Degree) at the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari where I studied with Umberto Galimberti.

My interest in the relationship between dance and digital media is long standing, going back to some early experiments with video dance and video on stage (Sometimes I feel like a motherless child: in the years around 2005-2010, and with the absence of the performing body, which was then present online via a Skype connection (Og – Web I?: In 2010 I also contributed together with Giuseppe Esposito, cofounder of Perypezye Urbane, to the design of a groundbreaking mobile app – DanceMe ( – dedicated to choreographic creation and archiving processes.

My artistic research focus is the entanglement between digital media and dramaturgical practice, applying a multiplicity of perspectives to dramaturgical research, such as embodied research, visual studies, queer studies and philosophy of technology.

I started experimenting in the rehearsal space with generative Machine Learning (ML) systems in January 2023, mainly using DALL-E2, Chat GPT-3 and MidJourney. I immediately realised the high potential of such tools, which could serve both as inspirational tools, and as devices deeply affecting and enriching the choreographic and dramaturgical practice at work, giving words an imaginative body or engaging in weird and inspiring dialogues with a non-human entity.

Reading other texts, such as for instance “The Atlas of AI” by Kate Crawford, and also following the contemporary mainstream debate about AI, I soon realised the discourse about AI and ML is not so straightforward as it appears and also that many misconceptions are being spread, both by AI detractors and enthusiasts.
Recently I took part in several workshops in Berlin, organised by the Tanz:Digital programme of the Dachverband Tanz (workshop “tanz:digital – Prozess, Dynamik, Diskurs” from 5 to 7 February) and by Dock11 digital (“Motion Capture” by Irina Shutova and Warja Rybakova and “Art and AI” by Wayne Goetz). Also, I received a consultancy on the use of the software Stream Diffusion by “Koproduktionslabor”, in Dortmund.

Articles and publications

Hybrid Dramaturgies. Three experiences of dancing essays. Read it here. In: “From the scenic essay ot he essay-exhibition”, edited by Jasper Delbecke. S:PAM – Studies in Performing Arts & Media, Department of Art History, Musicology and Theatre Studies, Faculty of Arts & Philosophy, Ghent University


(1) International summer school Masterclass Artistic Research in Film and Philosophy ‘Fabulation for Future’, which took place 13 to 23 September 2021 at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF in Potsdam, Germany
During this online conference, I presented a paper on post-phenomenology, dance and digital environments.

(2) From the scenic essay to the essay exhibition. Expanding the essay form in the arts, held at the University of Ghent (Belgium) from 27th to 29th April 2022.

(3) The 11th European Feminist Research Conference, organised by AtGender and hosted by the University of Milano–Bicocca in Milan (Italy) from the 8th to the 11th of June 2022. During this conference, I presented two papers: the first one about dance dramaturgy and digital environments and the second one about four posthuman choreographers. For the latter, also I presented 10-minute video interview (

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