
Domino was born as an evolution of Mr Furry (a 2019 production), which is set in a time suspended between the primordial dimension and the present: a present that, despite aspiring to the future, appears frozen and endlessly repeated. It is precisely this present, suspended and static but transversally in motion, that will be explored. In this new dimension, Mr Furry encounters other life forms. The interaction creates new possibilities that cannot be foreseen in the long term but only become visible in the actual moment. 

Domino is a project that explores the dimension of time through the experimentation of different states: balance, fall and rise that resonate both in the individual and in the collective dimension. The work listens to the responses that arise from changes of state and aims to investigate the development of cause-and-effect processes, triggering a reflection on the repercussions of history and our present on our future lives.

During the course of the residency, the effects of different types of chain reaction will be experienced: each small change will in turn produce a consequent change, giving rise to a progression. It will be precisely the encounter with the other being that will generate reverberations and new impulses towards a boundless future, opening one’s gaze to a community completely unknown to Mr Furry.

The show is imagined as a performance that is repeated several times: starting from a beginning that is always the same, the space is transformed and it is the audience that decides the development of the action, making the event unique and unrepeatable. Domino wants to invest the observer with responsibility for his own actions, making him aware of the fact that every action corresponds to a reaction. 

From the experiences that will emerge in the course of the rehearsals, it is intended to draw a narrative that includes several events that are interrelated and close in time. Each of them, and its concatenation with subsequent events, will give rise to a mechanical progression and/or a figurative evolution. The residency will take the form of a free choreographic and choreutic research around this thread, aiming towards an effective and meaningful scenic direction.


Concept by Tommaso Serratore
Dance Sara Sguotti and Tommaso Serratore
Lighting Eleonora Diana
Music Gabriele Ottino
Co-production Perypezye Urbane, Versiliadanza

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